Sunday 29 December 2013

Singapore, here we come......

We went to singapore on 26th Dec 2013...

overall...its was an ok trip because the trip makes me very exhausted..with hazim, my husband, my baby dalam perut, mak, yana n kak jit's family..3

1st trip, we went to orchard road... since i dont have any target to buy, so we just snap some pictures in front of the shopping mall.. (in front of takashiyama, paragon and mandarin gallery )

Im not interested in other mall... so, after that, we continue our journey to Jalan Syed Alwi which is Mustafa Centre... hehehe... cheap....some goods the sell cheaper than malaysia..( around rm 50) such as perfume, toys end footwears...

then, we went to mamak restaurant... :))) what a relief...we were very hungry...

we perform our zuhur prayer at Masjid Sultan which is located at Arab Street i think...

at 4 pm, we drove back to JB ...

owh....hujan emas dinegeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri...



ps: kat spore susah nak carik toilet ade air......huhuh

New post after a year


This is my new  post after a year missing in action....

this time, we went to bbw again...on 12 dec 2013

then, bought a telekung @ bella ammara boutique in Setapak afte that, we went to zoo negara..

since hazim is big now ( 3 year old) he loves the animal show very much.. it was an exciting experience there..

the next day, we went to Butterfly park.. Subhanallah...

the scenery and the park is very2222 beautiful... as son very excited with the butterflies everywhere.. and fish...

the next destination was ikea...oh...we also visited our abg jas...(kak lin's husband) at his Universiti Malaya

ok..thats all...our next trip is...Singapore....